CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Join Us Around the Fire to Share Your Stories — Author Notes #5
Cole's Chapters will be expanding with the addition of a collaborative podcast. I am looking for guests who have interesting stories to share
About the Show
The podcast does in fact have a name, which I plan on sharing once I’m done with all the cover artwork, distribution, promotional materials, etc.
How it Works
The show is modeled after a storytelling campfire, where a small group of writers will take turns sharing their work.
Each recording session will work like a digital table reading. You will narrate your own story, and other participating writers will lend their voices to speaking characters. After we finish reading, I’ll ask you a few questions about your work, and other participants will weigh in on your story as well.
Then we do the same for all the writers in the session.
Recording sessions are slated for about an hour, and will be split into multiple episodes; each participating author gets their own.
Please take a minute to carefully review the guidelines below, before sending your submissions to, with the subject line: PODCAST SUBMISSION.
Eventually, I will come up with a sign up form that lets you pick recording time slots, but for the first episode, an email will do just fine.
Rules and Requirements
Submission rules
It must be your story, and by submitting it to me, you certify that it is your intellectual property
Your story should have a read time of 10 minutes or less. I may eventually open up submissions for longer stories, but it’s a much bigger time commitment for all participants
Try to keep the cast list small. We can only have as many speaking characters, as there are writers to lend their voice. Remember, in third person stories, the narrator is a character
Expectations for Participation
During our table readings, both audio and video will be recorded via Zoom
You do not need to be an expert voice actor to participate, but writers are expected to make their best effort to enthusiastically take part in the table reading
I will make available to you the other authors’ stories in advance. Take some time to read it over so that you are not approaching it cold during our recording session. I also ask that you think of a genuine question to ask the author about their story
This experience is meant to be fun for both listeners and participants, but I’m also aiming to put these stories in front of a shared audience. If you are a substack writer, you agree to cross-post the episode featuring your story
If you are not a substack writer, but would still like to participate, you agree to share the episode featuring your story, with your followers
Story Rights
You retain all rights to your story
By submitting your work, you give Cole’s Chapters limited, non-exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the table reading of your story
By submitting your work, you acknowledge that other authors will see it and read it ahead of the episode recording
The episode featuring your story will include a guest byline, and — should you choose to provide one — a brief biography
Any of the episodes featuring your voice will include an acknowledgement
Thank you for your interest and participation, I look forward to hearing from you!
This might be a bit late for this round, but just to make sure, did you get my submission? I probably should've made sure I did it right earlier...
Very interesting. I'll sideline observe for a couple to catch the vibe, then consider a seat fireside. Best success.